Profile STAR-162: Mariana

Owned by sapata

Age 1 million years
PrOnOUns She/her They/them
Identity Questioning
Size Kinda small
Species Starlyng
CURRENTLY Visiting Earth

Has started their observation upon the planet Earth ever since one of it's ice ages, instantly falling in love more and more with it's fauna and flora! Despite being sensitive to all the noise and lights in it's more recent developments, Mariana could infodump forever about every little detail in it, and she remembers them very clearly and all details are so dear to her! So be careful if you're not a Starlyng she does not mind spending a year or two talking. They also love making friends and spending time with them and their family, who also care about them very much in turn.

  • Because of a natural disaster, she damaged one of her eyes very early in life, so she's blind there and wears a cute little eyepatch.
  • She may love Earth but that doesn't mean she thinks it's perfect or that she doesn't plan on going elsewhere, there's still so many cool planets to visit still!
  • Were they human they'd probably be considered disabled not just for being blind in one eye but also for being autistic!
  • Their favorite animal so far is the Alpaca and least favorite is the Horse. Their favorite natural occurance is the Rainbow and least favorite are Storms


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