Profile STAR-353: VACAT

Owned by haus

and lo, from the stars, a great beast did descend,
terrible in the beauty it inspired,
and beautiful in the terror it wrought;
carried by vast wings, it razed the lands
'til nought was left but ashes.

she/it. the "muscle" of the librarian's operation.
something of a strong, silent type. when it's not carrying out her dirty work, it prefers its solitude.
vacat's opinions do not reflect those of her employer. when she's not on the job (and can be moved to speak),
she's actually quite soft-spoken and eloquent, if not a bit blunt.

one could argue that, since she's seen far more of the universe personally, she could easily usurp the librarian,
but she's content to remain where she's at. she's not interested in the reputation that'd come with the title.

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