
This page contains quick definitions of commonly used terms. If a term has a longer lore page, it will be linked via the name of the term

Conservator's Charm

The Conservator's Charm, also known as the Amulet of Protection, is an item of choice (traditionally a necklace or weapon) imbued with the Second's protective Sourcery upon initiation into the Path.

Conservator's Charms provide their bearers with a strong, Sourcic shield when facing harm, particularly when a life-altering injury or death is too defiant of fate. ("Fate" is more about chances, consequences, and coincidences than anything deterministic, so "too defiant" would mean "overly low or impossible probability", which is common when working with un-Universe anomalies like the Path does).

This shield can weaken or break; in the case of the former, its magical reserves can be restored by those capable of harnessing Sourcery; in the case of the latter, the spell must be rewoven by the Prime Preservator. The Amulet itself can also break, and its salvageability is dependent on the damage. More often than not, completely shattered Amulets need to be entirely replaced and reimbued with the Prime's magic. 

When an Amulet or its triggered shield is too heavily damaged or broken, the Prime Preservator is said to appear at the wearer's side and offer his assistance. As he has been witnessed at multiple locations at once, it is assumed that this but an extension of the Charm's blessing, rather than the Prime Preservator being personally alerted and arriving himself. Both points, however, are actually true: Siegfried, when free, does indeed show up in person, though the vast majority of his sightings are actually Sourcic apparitions created from his own depthless Anima, lending them a sense of cognizance and "life". 

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