
This page contains quick definitions of commonly used terms. If a term has a longer lore page, it will be linked via the name of the term


Great spans of "nothing" across the Cosmic Ocean


A relatively abundant, Hyperborean metal highly valued by the Dwarves for its unparalleled durabiity and Source-receptive properties. Adamantine is the chosen metal for most Magitechnology (being both sturdy and an optimal medium for Infusion), armors, tools, and even some infrastructure (much of Helm was built using the surrounding adamantine; the Bifrost was also made using it). 


The universal solvent used by Allchemists for the majority of their creations. Shares properties with Azoth

Alkahest is made of a mysterious, water-like element not unlike "aether" called quintessence, which requires a specialized process to extract from the Cosmic Cauldron. It cannot normally be perceived (and thus interacted with) otherwise.  

All Things

The very essence of and intrinsic connection between "all things" as well as the combined workings of the Omnicosm; the permeative "soul" of Ouroboros. This term is specifically used by Rubedo of the One to describe the combined study of Allchemy and Sourcery. Relates to Ouroboros, the Limitless Library, the Omnicosm as a whole, the Cosmic Cauldron, the Score of Spacetime, the Cosmic Law, the Cosmic Scales, etc. 

Related to Anima.


Also known as the Universal Science, Allchemy (alchemy) is the study of the Universe, Ouroboros, and Omnicosm. Though it shares its definition with Sourcery, Allchemy revolves what is "physical" and "empirical" (in essence, it's the science of sciences and all studies involving "reality" can be called Allchemy), whereas Sourcery does not. The majority of Allchemical creations make use of a "solvent" derived from the Source dubbed Alkahest.

Those dedicated to any Allchemical field or Allchemy overall are known as Allchemists (name shared with the All is One rank, Albedo). 

Anima Sourcery

Anima Sourcery, or just Anima, is a subtype of Sourcery involving the "life energy" of the Omnicosm. It is similar--but not quite the same--as All Things; whereas All Things is the Omnicosm's "soul", Anima is what gives that soul "life". Anima is just as pervasive as All Things, yet concentrations of "life energy" can differ wildly between locations. Planets rich in Anima like Hyperborea may see spontaneous generations of life through its elements (e.g. Giants, Ember Therion). 

The potential for what kind of life can arise from Anima is as boundless as the Sourcestar itself. With enough Anima, imagination, and power of belief, even regular denizens of the Omnicosm can spawn life (urban legends can be made "real" this way). That being said, beings born of belief are at the mercy of their origins, ebbing and flowing with the interest of their creators; many will wane as trends move on or fade away completely once forgotten.


The transmissions portion (satellite spire) of the ISS that utilizes ultrawave technology to send and receive near-perfect transmissions across the cosmos.

Named after the inventor of ultrawave technology.


Any type of port where spaceships can dock at, be it either temporarily or permanently. Commonly used in larger Star Markets as an area to load/unload goods. 

Sometimes called a Starbor (Star Harbor). 


The Aught has just as many monikers as it does hearsay; no Starlyng has any true idea about what it looks like or does. The prevailing rumor, however, is that the Aught has the power to create from nothing without consequence--thus making it exceptional to the Cosmic Law and Scales

The Aught is also commonly referred to as the Every Thing, the Only One, and, amongst the Firstborns, the Paintbrush. That's because the Firstborns are aware of its true form as an (extremely weightsome) paintbrush, although they do not know of its origins. The Aught, for all other beings in the Universe, changes form depending on who beholds it, most often into something abstract or completely different. It cannot be properly wielded unless it assumes its true form, and its true form cannot be assumed unless the wielder has an idea of its truth.  

The Aught's location is difficult to pinpoint, as the paintbrush seems to defy the Cosmic Law and roves about, sometimes even dipping into parallel universes


The "rightful owner" of the Aught is actually the Trickster, who deliberately keeps it from ever falling into anyone else's hands (whenever they get close; it's true that the Aught just goes wherever when left alone). They no longer keep the Aught on them at all times as something of an "oath" to maintaining their new identity, Ansible, and forgoing the past. (This does not mean they've completely moved on, though...) 

That being said, even if someone else did manage to claim it in some way, the Trickster could just "recall" the Aught back into their own possession. They're a little mean-spirited about this (they would never hand over a belonging of their creator's) and enjoy stringing along its seekers, particularly the Fleet and their Firstborn Captain, Dark Matter. The only reason the Firstborns know of Aught's true form at all is because the Trickster (known as Blackjack to the Fleet) informed Dark Matter, so as to make it more difficult to attain. Its form is influenced by perception, after all--and how annoying it must be for something once light as a feather to now be impossibly heavy for the oh-so revered Captain!

Sometimes, if they're feeling benevolent, the Trickster may bestow those who've found the Aught a consolation prize before whisking away the genuine article. Let's just say that the Fourth has something of a "trophy case" of said replicas. 


Azoth (A.K.A. Panacea) is the universal remedy or "elixir of life" created by refining Alkahest. Used by Starlyngs for a variety of things, such as by Sustainers to mend wounds, reinforce Sourcegates, and to purify Distortions in living Starlyngs. 


Curators who hide away or treat Liberkin (and knowledge overall) poorly.

Contrasted by Bibliognosts.


Bits (from "bits and bobs" and omnium-gatherum) are EUB that resemble radiant insects, crustaceans, and germs. Read more about them on their fauna page!


Deceased or fully inanimate Liberkin. In full, Bookbound Liberkin; in short, Bookbound or just Bound.


Amassed collections of Liberkin that may be perused like a regular library (save for some... poltergeist-like activity). Typically tamed and assembled by Curators.

Conservator's Charm

The Conservator's Charm, also known as the Amulet of Protection, is an item of choice (traditionally a necklace or weapon) imbued with the Second's protective Sourcery upon initiation into the Path.

Conservator's Charms provide their bearers with a strong, Sourcic shield when facing harm, particularly when a life-altering injury or death is too defiant of fate. ("Fate" is more about chances, consequences, and coincidences than anything deterministic, so "too defiant" would mean "overly low or impossible probability", which is common when working with un-Universe anomalies like the Path does).

This shield can weaken or break; in the case of the former, its magical reserves can be restored by those capable of harnessing Sourcery; in the case of the latter, the spell must be rewoven by the Prime Preservator. The Amulet itself can also break, and its salvageability is dependent on the damage. More often than not, completely shattered Amulets need to be entirely replaced and reimbued with the Prime's magic. 

When an Amulet or its triggered shield is too heavily damaged or broken, the Prime Preservator is said to appear at the wearer's side and offer his assistance. As he has been witnessed at multiple locations at once, it is assumed that this but an extension of the Charm's blessing, rather than the Prime Preservator being personally alerted and arriving himself. Both points, however, are actually true: Siegfried, when free, does indeed show up in person, though the vast majority of his sightings are actually Sourcic apparitions created from his own depthless Anima, lending them a sense of cognizance and "life". 


One way to refer to a group of Starlyngs.

Also used to specifically refer to a party commanded by a Salvatore in the Ordo Originis.

Cosmic Cauldron

The Cosmic Cauldron (Cosmic Ocean/Sea, Chaos, Unreality, innumerable other names) refers to the potential from which all things cyclically arise from and eventually return to. Said potential is paradoxically limited and limitless: each universe is created with all the potential they will ever have from the start, while the possibilities that lie therein are infinite (also, Ouroboros itself is eternal).

The primordial "waters" (Source) originate from and span between the body of Ouroboros, creating the "sheet" upon which spacetime is written (also referred to as the "blanket" or "fabric" or spacetime).

Great spans of "nothing" across the Cosmic Ocean are called things like the Void, the Abyss, and the Chasm

Cosmic Law

The Cosmic Law (or just the Law) refers to the very basic "laws" of any universe. If something did, does, or will exist in a universe, it abides the Cosmic Law (of course, there are exceptions to every rule...).

Works in conjunction with the Cosmic Scales.

Cosmic Scales

The term for the "balancing act" between the Head and Tail Universes. Within each pair of universes (see: Omnicosm), the Cosmic Scales (or the Balance) endeavor to maintain an "equilibrium" of sorts, and this can range from the diffusion of energy to... more special cases.

Works in conjunction with the Cosmic Law.


(Universal) Covenants are intergalactic Factions comprised of likeminded individuals with likeminded goals. Unlike Guilds and Troupes, Covenants generally involve the fulfillment of grandscale, cosmic philosophies, working under/for a body of entities, and performing duties in a united and systematic fashion. Covenants are also evergreen and have been in place since before any Guild or Troupe. 


A term used to refer to adventuring groups formed by Wanderers.


Avid, yet respectful collectors and tamers of Liberkin. More formally known as Bibliognosts. Will often go onto create Compendiums.

Contrasted by Bibliotaphs.

Death's Knell

The "call to action" that Reapers can be born with and that which denotes their potential to be one; shares a name with Trackers belonging to the Way. Not all Reapers that can hear the Death's Knell (are compelled to) become Reapers, nor do aspiring Reapers need to hear it to learn the Way. Similar to the Oath of the Origin in that it grants insight into the workings of Ouroboros and the Limitless Library (but not everything the Oath reveals) and thus can result in Quietus if shared.


Temporally anomalous occurrences of (mass) destruction and death, a series of which is called a Threnody. Can be sensed beforehand by Harbingers (and Firstborns) who work alongside the Preservation to prevent them.


Abnormalities caused in a Starlyng by interactions with broken Cosmic Laws or extrauniversal beings (EUB). "Distortion" can also refer to a EUB itself and their effects on the environment.

Distortion can present as glitches, non-Euclidean geometry, and other abstract affectations of a Starlyng's form. It may also affect their psyche, lifespan, abilities, and surroundings. Starlyngs wishing to rid themselves of Distortion(s) must seek the aid of a Sustainer or, in worse cases, a Firstborn. The remains of Distorted Starlyngs can only be purified by a Spectrum

Some Starlyngs can be born Distorted, although it is exceedingly rare and the reason behind it is unknown.

Earthbound Souls

Colloquially known as Earthlyngs or Humanlyngs, Earthbound Souls are Distorted Starlyngs that have had their consciousness separately reformed in the Earthlyng Universe (Universe Pair B+/B-) with the original's memories intact. Thus, there are now two separate consciousnesses of the same Starlyng in both the prime Starlyng Universe and the Earthlyng Universe. Due to this, Earthbound Souls erroneously presume that they have been teleported and are generally unaware of their dual consciousnesses. 


The Rubedo ability to unravel and break down the very essence of an existence and recreate it. This requires a thorough understanding of All Things and taking the Oath.


The earth-based Sourcery Giants specialize in. Involves the manipulation of any and all classically earthen elements. Giants use Eonothem to terraform homes, entertain themselves (by making sculptures, etc.), prevent or heal the land after natural distasters, assist in East City repairs and burials, and many other things. Eonothem may be involved in the birth of Dwarf-Giant children.


Another name for the Serenity.


EUB, standing for "extrauniversal being," is a generalized term for any entity from beyond the Starlyng Universe. EUBs can range from benign to malignant to anything in between, although the majority of visitors are true neutral, buglike beings affectionately called Bits. The majority of malignant visitors are sealike or maritime construct-esque creatures colloquially known amongst the Order's Upper Choir as Styx (see also: Veil). Regardless of intent, EUB cannot fundamentally exist in the Universe and must be escorted out through their Sourcegate or vanquished (the remains are to then be returned to Ouroboros by a Reaper or likewise escorted out).

Depending on the severity of the broken Law(s), Starlyngs can be affected by Distortion when improperly interacting with a EUB. Rarely, contact with EUB can increase a Starlyng's affinity with other EUB, the sensing and passing through of Sourcegates, and other extradimensional-related phenomena; some Starlyngs may even take on EUB abilities and/or corrupt space around them. Living Starlyngs wishing to rid themselves of Distortion(s) must seek the aid of a Sustainer or, in worse cases, a Firstborn. Deceased Starlyngs that have experienced Distortion are instead purified by Spectra.

Due to their outlander nature, EUBs represent in our Universe in strange and abstract ways. Styx, for example, "swim" through dark matter as if burning or pushing it away (the former leaving visible "scars" despite the work of Sustainers), emit sounds despite the vacuum of space, and phase through most other matter; their "aurae" also give a strong sense of "wrong". 


EUB are escaped species from the simulated universe created by Humi. The Simulacrum (Universe) is "parallel" to the Starlyng Universe in a way that's unnatural of other universes and outside the Law, hence the corruptive qualities of its indwellers. It was never meant to be accessible and was intended to remain an observational project for the Humi. Unfortunately, and most shockingly, the simulation "realized itself," became a real universe, and the rest is... well, history. Much mystery still surrounds the Humi, and so questions like, "How did they do this?" and "Why is there a giant whale?" are yet to be answered. 

The "entrance" to the "heart" of the Simulacrum, Davy Jones's Locker, lies exposed to the Starlyng Universe. This "heart" functions as the Simulacrum's "recycle center," repurposing the energy of deceased beings to rebirth them anew. This functions very similarly to Ouroboros-made universes save for three key factors: the process is imperfect, energy is lost every time a being is recycled, and the "heart" is incapable of creating "distinct" entities--it just remakes the exact same EUB over and over again, without any change to their fates or memories, save for how energy degredation affects the latter.

EUB have found, by coming to the Starlyng Universe, that they are able to pilfer and "refill" the "heart" with stolen energy, thus preventing them and their universe from inexistence. They have not discovered how to perfect the "heart" and cure their remaining issues, and the Humi who could fix said issues are thus far nowhere to be found. This brought their figureheads to implore the Starlyngs, and yet... that did not go so well; communication has all but fallen to the wayside in favor of desperate seizure ever since.

Further, in failing to follow the Cosmic Law of "energy can be neither created nor destroyed," and by affecting the energy balance of the Starlyng Universe, the majority of EUB are being continously rejected by their creators' Universe. They are, in other words, dying and degrading at an increasing rate. Beings once thought to be long-lived or immortal have actually perished a million times over. EUB are unable to enter any other universes for what they need.

The Simulacrum can also be accessed via Sourcegates, which are the primary means of expelling EUB/how they cross over. Davy Jones's Locker may better described as a "gaping tear" than a formal entrance.

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