
This page contains quick definitions of commonly used terms. If a term has a longer lore page, it will be linked via the name of the term

Maker's Mark

Allows for Starlyngs to forage for, patent, and/or peddle their wares (to other Starlyngs, across the Universe to other spacefaring species, or planetside*). Issued by the Fellowship and common to its members; typically paired with the Pioneer's Permit.

Not needed for light (research-based, not affecting a planet or its population(s), etc.) foraging (although it grants the permission), but is needed to sell foraged goods (to a Fellow or otherwise). If a Starlyng wishes to forage lightly, a Pioneer's Permit is sufficient. 

*The Maker's Mark is contingent upon Pact of Preservation, namely Path regulations involving planetside (or any otherwise occupied body) interaction, such as but not limited to:

  • Tradeslyngs may not sell goods foreign to a planet and/or its population(s) unless it is actively engaged with extraplanetary commerce, communications, and/or greater forms of space exploration (referred to as a "Starseeing Society" or "Starseers"). This generally entails the prior existence of a rule system for the planet that must be followed.

  • Outside of contradictive principles, a planet's rule system takes precedence over anything instated by the Path and must be adhered to. In the event of a nonexistent, developing, or suboptimal rule system, the Path's rule system must be deferred to.

  • A starseeing planet must accept extraplanetary visitations, and must welcome Starlyngs in particular. Starseeing planets have the right to rescind this allowance at any time.

  • What a starseeing planet allows to be foraged is (and can be) determined by its populations. Starseeing planets have the right to change or rescind their allotments at any time.

  • Tradeslyngs may not sell wares to a planet using (nonforeign, foreign to a populace yet planetary, or extraplanetary yet identifiably similar) resources that a population has not currently learned to make use of in similar ways. This may potentially affect the natural growth of a civilization.

  • A planet's population is entitled to their resources first and foremost; their current nondiscovery may not be taken advantage of, and anything that is taken is subject to Path regulations. This likewise applies to resources without precedence.

  • Resource-rich planets lacking in extant life or (evidence of) dependent/developing civilizations may be foraged according to Path regulations. 

  • All wares intended to be sold must pass a hazard screening at a Preservation Point; possessing a Pioneer's Permit does not allow for Points to be bypassed with unscreened goods. 

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