
This page contains quick definitions of commonly used terms. If a term has a longer lore page, it will be linked via the name of the term

Preservation Points

Maintained by the Preservation, Preservation Points (or just Points), are checkpoints throughout the Universe with the primary purpose of safeguarding against unprepared visitors, especially in anomalous or dangerous locations. 

That being said, there are plenty of Preservation Points positioned near "safe" areas, as their secondary purpose is to assist in intergalactic navigation. The vast majority of Preservation Points double as "information desks" and can provide Starlyngs with not only directions, but an overview of the (weather, social, or otherwise) climate of nearby planets, etc. Many Preservation Points also share a space with Cosmic Courier postal offices. 

Preservation Points are generally headed by their nearby Wardens and/or their subordinates. 

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