
This page contains quick definitions of commonly used terms. If a term has a longer lore page, it will be linked via the name of the term


The Dwarven "translation" of Runes into a "physical" language. The written form can be used by anyone, but the "spoken" form requires an innate harmony between the "soul" and the Score of Spacetime. Spoken Runic must be sung; it otherwise has no effect (it likewise has no effect if mimicked by the unattuned). Those that can sing Runic and produce an effect are called Incantors.

Dwarven Runelords and Runesmiths make use of written Runic to Infuse their Magitechnology (Magitech). Dwarven Incantors do the same with spoken Runic by imbuing Magitech with lesser Anima.

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