
No Ears

No Ears (Uncommon)

Category: Ears
Species: Starlyng

Removes the ears of a Starlyng.
Art by solaria

See Reference

Velvet (Uncommon)

Category: Horns

This is a MODIFIER. Please specify the original Trait shape(s) as well.
Allows for horns to be covered with a fuzzy layer of velvet. 
Art by LegendaryPotatoes

See Reference
No Horns

No Horns (Uncommon)

Category: Horns
Species: Starlyng

Allows for a lack of horns that isn't indicative of an injury.
Art by LegendaryPotatoes

See Reference

Unicorn (Uncommon)

Category: Horns

Allows for a singular horn which protrudes from the center of the forehead.
Art by LegendaryPotatoes

See Reference

Antlers (Uncommon)

Category: Horns

Allows for branched horns resembling that of any Cervidae.
Art by LegendaryPotatoes

See Reference

Multiple (Uncommon)

Category: Horns

Gives your Starlyng or pet more than two horns.
Horns of any type can be mixed and matched, but each type used must always be listed (i.e. the first ref is Nub [C] + Unicorn [UC]  + Multiple Horns [UC]).
Art by LegendaryPotatoes

See Reference

Swallow (Uncommon)

Category: Tail

This is a MODIFIER. Please specify the original Trait length as well.
your Starlyng's tail so that it splits into two.
Art by solaria

See Reference
No Tail

No Tail (Uncommon)

Category: Tail
Species: Starlyng

Gives your Starlyng no tail. This is biological, and not caused by an injury.
Art by solaria

See Reference

Tusks (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Allows for teeth that protrude outward and are larger than what is usual.

  • Can resemble an underbite or an overbite.

  • Unneeded for overbites that disappear when the mouth is closed, or tiny (stylistic or otherwise) fangs that poke out.

  • Must always be visible, and must always exist outside the mouth. 

Art by solaria

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Big [C], Curl [C], Curved [C], and Tusks [UC].


Snowshoes (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Enables the feathers of a Starlyng's legs to extend down to the bottom of the foot with no exposed skin.
Art by lycoris

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Snowshoes [UC].


Zygodactyl (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Two toes pointing forward and two backward on each foot.
Art by chamochomps

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Point [C], No Horns [UC], Short [C], and Zygodactyl [UC].


Chameleon (Uncommon)

Category: Body
Species: Starlyng

Allows for a Starlyng to be capable of constantly shifting colors or patterns to blend into the environment.
Can be used to justify drastic changes in design for alternate forms and palettes.
Art by solaria

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Point [C], Nub [C], Short [C], Chameleon [UC].


Crane (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Modifies the neck of a Starlyng or pet to be unusually elongated.
Artwork by Champurrito

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Point [C], Tall [C], Long [C], and Crane [UC].


Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Allows for up to two feathered wings in any placement.
More than two feathered wings requires the Seraphic [R] Trait.
Art by solaria

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Big [C], Point [C], No Horns [UC], and Wings [UC].


Whiskers (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Allows for feelers that can come out of any part of the body.
Art by solaria

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Big [C], Point [C], No Horns [UC], Short [C], and Whiskers [UC].


Orbiters (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Allows for rings or natural satellites that orbit around a Starlyng or pet's body.
This can be anything floating around the Starlyng (except things that would otherwise be attached to the body, such as limbs).
This Trait includes that which is typically acknowledged as a halo floating above the head.
Art by solaria

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Big [C], Elf [C], Tall [C], Long [C], and Orbiters [UC].


Munchkin (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Modifies the legs of a Starlyng or pet to be unusually short and stubby.
Art by winterbunz

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Point [C], No Horns [UC], Short [C], and Munchkin [UC].


Flat-Faced (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Allows for the snout of a Starlyng or pet to be unusually flat.

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Curl [C], Nub [C], and Flat-Faced [UC].


Borzoi (Uncommon)

Category: Body

Allows for the snout of a Starlyng or pet to be unusually elongated.

See Reference

This reference image features the Traits: Point [C], No Horns [UC], and Borzoi [UC].

19 results found.