RhapsodyRhapisodus lanternarius


Rhapsodies (Rhapisodus lanternarius, "needle-tooth lantern-bearer"; common name based on its similar-sounding genus), otherwise known as hauli (from Chauliodus), are Styx that resemble Tellusian viperfish.

Hauli are characterized by their needle-like teeth and multiple, star-bright lures, the longest of which carries their iconic "lantern"--a miniature white dwarf, mysteriously stripped of gravity.

Unlike most Styx, rhapsodies are incredibly docile. They pay little mind to others unless they feel threatened or something ventures too close to their lures, in which case they'll launch themselves at their target at terrifyingly high speeds, jaws agape to spear whatever bothered them on their teeth. It is highly suspected that rhapsodies are blind; they have been witnessed attacking inanimate objects, such as meteorites and debris, on more than one occasion.

Contributed by Insurguitor

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