<a href="https://starlyng.space/world/items?name=Abracadabra" class="display-item">Abracadabra</a>


Rarity: 3

Artist: lycoris

Resale Value: 15 Stardust

A bottled Styx which causes time-based Distortions upon contact with an Oort or Boötes. You were advised not to make contact with it.
Abracadabra can be used to immediately accelerate your Oort or Boötes' growth to Phase 3 (Adult/Fun Guy).
If applied to a Phase 1 Oort or Boötes (Infant/Spore), must be used alongside Presto.

 "This is a bathy. I wouldn't gaze too lovingly into its eyes, lest you wish to be turned to stone."



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