Ettin's BarrelrootMagnipes pachyrhiza
Ettin's barrelroot, Ettin's barrelboot, or just barrelroot/barrelboot (Magnipes pachyrhiza, "Bigfoot thickroot") is a colossal, hearty species of Hyperborean tree that can be found primarily within the Everlight, where their canopies provide invaluable shade. Barrelboot grows most plentifully around the West City in Glasislundr.
Their roots, thicker on the round than the average Dwarf, often penetrate into Dwarven cities. These, however, can be hacked off at little consequence to the trees, which has made them invaluable in Dwarven craft culture. The plant itself is named for the craftsman who discovered this use for the trees, cementing him as a folk hero.
A quirk of barrelroot is that its sizeable roots will grow above-surface, taking on various australo- and zoomorphic silhouettes. This lead to a variety of urban myths surrounding sightings of a "huge, wildwood Dwarf" hence the "bigfoot" genus. (This, when paired with Ettin's legendary, adamantine-toed boots, has lead to depictions of said figure with overlarge trotters.)
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