
This page contains quick definitions of commonly used terms. If a term has a longer lore page, it will be linked via the name of the term


Entrances between each universe via weakened points in the Sourcering or, more formally, at the Sourcecore (via the Head or Tail of the Ouroboros Husk).  

The "official" Sourcegate cannot be passed through without specific criteria being met, such as a Firstborn or Reaper (both can pass freely) escort; it naturally rejects foreign entrants, unlike weakened areas in the Sourcering membrane. Sustainers will reinforce problematic Sourcegates using Azoth

Starlyngs may make a "rite of passage" pilgrimage (the Quest of the Querent) to the Sourcecore/Sourcegate to pose the Husk their one allotted question, which Ouroboros had "programmed" itself to answer before its consciousness departed. The specific location of where this question is posed is called the Nexus.

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