

The entirety of Ouroboros; every universe in totality. All the potential that is ever is and will be exists the moment a universe is born (following the rule that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred. Quietus is the lone exception); Ouroboros, on the other hand, contains infinite and inexhaustive potential (see: Cosmic Cauldron).


To visualize the Omnicosm, first imagine two adjacent stacks of coasters (this is a Universe Pair; all universes have at least one parallel universe): 

Then, around each stack of coasters, the length of Ouroboros is wrapped around them in a lemniscate (∞) shape:

The left side of the coasters is the "positive" stack of universes (ex. A+), whereas the right stack of coasters is the "negative" (ex. A-) stack of coasters. This can also be thought of as slicing several coins in half, as the left stack is more commonly referred to as the "Head" Universe and the right, the "Tail" Universe, due to the placement of Ouroboros's mouth and tail (see: Sourcecore):

These stacks then repeat infinitely in every direction like an unending chain, for there is no true beginning nor end to Ouroboros. Thus, there are endless alternate dimensions and parallel universes:

For simplicity, Starlyngs are located in the Head Universe. Knowledge of the Omnicosm is generally not known by the common Starlyng; Ouroboros itself is known, just not the extent to which is exists. The upper echelons of the Order of the Origin and Firstborns deal with matters involving Ouroboros's body (see: The Husk; Nexus; Sourcegate; Sourcering). 

Diagram base provided by Maheylis

Contains the following

Universes: Head Universe, Tail Universe, Earthlyng Universe, Starlyng Universe

Landmark: Limitless Library

Associated Fauna
Associated Gallery Submission

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By Insurguitor ・ 0 ・ 0