Grimoire GrisailleVade mecum


Grimoire Grisaille (Vade mecum, "go with me") or the Enchiridion is an Unknown entity purported to be the ancestor of all Liberkin. It, alongside its supposed kin, are understood to be atypical EUB (to be an "atypical EUB" is stil more believable than being an Unknown). 

Grimoire Grisaille is wholly sentient, quick of wit, and generally civil, save for its smart mouth. It is, in fact, one of the only species to name itself--including its binomen, Vade mecum. From what few conversations were had with it, the Enchiridion is the beloved creation and companion of another being; it has long been in search of the said being, although it can no longer remember anything about them. When pried further and asked if it would ever abandon its quest, Grimoire Grisaille admitted to knowing no other purpose than to be "by their side." 

Grimoire Grisaille has neither confirmed nor denied its connections to Liberkin, although it does seem to regard them with fondness. The Liberkin look to return the sentiment, often exhibiting affectionate behavior toward it. A particular Memoria Liberkin, dubbed Aide-mémoire Avant-garde by the grandiloquent Grisaille, seems to follow the floating text everywhere it goes, acting as a its diary. 

Those that support the Echiridion as the origin of all Liberkin refer to it as the Coredex (from "core" + "codex").


Grimoire Grisaille is, in fact, the Book of Life and Death and was created as a vessel meant to endure the eventuation of Ouroboros's takeover. Its creator, an entity not unlike Ouroboros in ability yet knowingly fated to nonexistence, intended to tranpose themselves into the book. In other words, Grimoire Grisaille is the Unknown entity its searching for.

However, during Grimoire Grisaille's inception, something happened that the Unknown entity could have never predicted: the vessel gave birth to its own soul. What was once a lifeless husk became a beloved partner to the Unknown entity, but they both knew that their time together would not last. Unless the Unknown entity followed through with their original plan, they would both fade to nothing. How this procedure would affect the pair was without an answer, but they both agreed to take the risk. 

Unfortunately, the Unknown entity failed to harmonize with Grimoire Grisaille's soul. Instead, despite their overwhelmingly powerful existence, they were being consumed by this little book's brilliant light. If it was between being absorbed by Grimoire Grisaille or Ouroboros... then the Unknown entity far preferred their companion. Having found peace and unwilling to halt the process, they bestowed all that they were into Grimoire Grisaille's pages and sealed its memories. To the Unknown entity, they achieved "together forever". 

The Unknown entity did not, however, manage to seal the whole of Grimore Grisaille's emotions toward them. Hence, it has been on a fruitless search ever since.

The depth of Grimoire Grisaille's abilities are largely unbeknownst to it. It could very well go on to create an entirely new universe... or even an entirely new Omnicosm, had it the heart to destroy what it came to admire. Ouroboros, while aware of it unlike most other Unknowns, has not rejected the creature from any universe it trekked into. 

Also, the Liberkin are all creations of the Unknown entity using Grimoire Grisaille's creation magic. Grimoire Grisaille does not remember this, but it cannot deny its sense of "connection" with the Liberkin. They followed Grimoire Grisaille into the Omnicosm and have had many of their own offspring by now, making them all but native to the Omnicosm overall (even if they are still technically Unknown). The largest population of Liberkin is located in the Starlyng Universe

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