Extrauniversal Beings

All Extrauniversal Beings Fauna (1)

EUB, standing for "extrauniversal being," is a generalized term for any entity from beyond the Starlyng Universe. EUBs can range from benign to malignant to anything in between, although the majority of visitors are true neutral, buglike beings affectionately called Bits. The majority of malignant visitors are sealike or maritime construct-esque creatures colloquially known amongst the Order's Upper Choir as Styx (see also: Veil). Regardless of intent, EUB cannot fundamentally exist in the Universe and must be escorted out through their Sourcegate or vanquished (the remains are to then be returned to Ouroboros by a Reaper or likewise escorted out).

Depending on the severity of the broken Law(s), Starlyngs can be affected by Distortion when improperly interacting with a EUB. Rarely, contact with EUB can increase a Starlyng's affinity with other EUB, the sensing and passing through of Sourcegates, and other extradimensional-related phenomena; some Starlyngs may even take on EUB abilities and/or corrupt space around them. Living Starlyngs wishing to rid themselves of Distortion(s) must seek the aid of a Sustainer or, in worse cases, a Firstborn. Deceased Starlyngs that have experienced Distortion are instead purified by Spectra.

Due to their outlander nature, EUBs represent in our Universe in strange and abstract ways. Styx, for example, "swim" through dark matter as if burning or pushing it away (the former leaving visible "scars" despite the work of Sustainers), emit sounds despite the vacuum of space, and phase through most other matter; their "aurae" also give a strong sense of "wrong". 

All EUB are inexplicably drawn to Davy Jones's Locker.


EUB are escaped species from the simulated universe created by Humi. The Simulacrum (Universe) is "parallel" to the Starlyng Universe in a way that's unnatural of other universes and outside the Law, hence the corruptive qualities of its indwellers. It was never meant to be accessible and was intended to remain an observational project for the Humi. Unfortunately, and most shockingly, the simulation "realized itself," became a real universe, and the rest is... well, history. Much mystery still surrounds the Humi, and so questions like, "How did they do this?" and "Why is there a giant whale?" are yet to be answered. 

The "entrance" to the "heart" of the Simulacrum, Davy Jones's Locker, lies exposed to the Starlyng Universe. This "heart" functions as the Simulacrum's "recycle center," repurposing the energy of deceased beings to rebirth them anew. This functions very similarly to Ouroboros-made universes save for three key factors: the process is imperfect, energy is lost every time a being is recycled, and the "heart" is incapable of creating "distinct" entities--it just remakes the exact same EUB over and over again, without any change to their fates or memories, save for how energy degredation affects the latter.

EUB have found, by coming to the Starlyng Universe, that they are able to pilfer and "refill" the "heart" with stolen energy, thus preventing them and their universe from inexistence. They have not discovered how to perfect the "heart" and cure their remaining issues, and the Humi who could fix said issues are thus far nowhere to be found. This brought their figureheads to implore the Starlyngs, and yet... that did not go so well; communication has all but fallen to the wayside in favor of desperate seizure ever since.

Further, in failing to follow the Cosmic Law of "energy can be neither created nor destroyed," and by affecting the energy balance of the Starlyng Universe, the majority of EUB are being continously rejected by their creators' Universe. They are, in other words, dying and degrading at an increasing rate. Beings once thought to be long-lived or immortal have actually perished a million times over. EUB are unable to enter any other universes for what they need.

The Simulacrum can also be accessed via Sourcegates, which are the primary means of expelling EUB/how they cross over. Davy Jones's Locker may better described as a "gaping tear" than a formal entrance.

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