Eighth Seat: Grimshaw

Firstborns ・ Part of Order of the Origin

Grimshaw, the Eighth Seat, or the Seat of the Shade, is technically not an "active" member of the once- any longer. However, the Firstborn that once occupied it "lives on" as a Neutron Starlyng and co-heads the Way of the Darkscythe, and so her seat is still honored. Grimshaw is colloquially known as the Grim Reaper. She is the founder of the Way and the first "full-fledged" Reaper of the Universe.

Though technically the second eldest Firstborn after Magimy, Grimshaw's transition into a Neutron Starlyng/"death" and "rebirth" pushed her position within the Order down, and rendered her the "youngest". Likewise, because she is dead-but-not, her "live" seat is "unofficial". 

Her name, Grimshaw, has a few interpretations as to its meaning, such as "dark woods" and "haunted woods". 

Artwork by Chigle

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