CepheusCentimana bestia


Cepheus (Centimana bestia, "hundred-handed beast"; in reference to Ou4, nicknamed the Giant Squid Nebula, located within the constellation Cepheus), more often identified as the Kraken, is an enormous squid-like Veil several times longer than Cetus in size (although not nearly as wide). However, unlike Cetus, Cepheus does not appear to match its high aggression with an equally high intelligence; Cepheus's behavior is understood to be more animalistic in nature.

It was once believed that multiple Cepheus existed throughout the Universe. However, it was later discovered that these dimunitive Cepheus, dubbed Scylla (Centimana belua, "hundred-handed beast") and Charybdis (Centimana bestiola, "hundred-handed little beast"), are actually still Cepheus itself and function not unlike a hivemind. Scylla and Charybdis have been witnessed to arise from the lost limbs of Cepheus (Cepheus itself appears to regenerate and double the "tentacles" it loses, much like the Hydra) and orbit around Cepheus's main body, defending it. Scylla can grow to be around half the length of Cepheus. Charybdis, on the other hand, are comparatively must smaller and more akin to a regular Styx in size. Not all Scylla and Charybdis are carbon copies of their creator; many of them mirror other cephalopods

Cepheus is extremely hostile toward spacecraft and other similar vessels, including Styx bearing their likeness. Cepheus and Argo Navis, for example, appear to have a longstanding rivalry of sorts--a rivalry, if only because the Argo Navis is unable to be prey and Cetus cannot recognize its futility. Ergo, during every recorded encounter between the two, Argo Navis triumphs unscathed and many new Scylla and Charybdis are born (as such, the Order has endeavored to keep them apart). Cepheus's craft-specific enmity has also made it the enemy of the Fleet of the First Light and the Firmament. The Fleet has proposed that Cepheus may mount attacks for treasure, although what it would deem "treasure" is debated. (Is Cepheus perhaps looking for something in particular...?) Overall, Cepheus and its hivemind attack by wrapping around and mindlessly piercing the bodies of crafts. Only vessels made from or reinforced with Distorted materials have proven to offer actual defense.

Scylla and Charybdis on their own are not nearly as vicious toward spacecraft and may even express an unusual fascination with them, latching onto and growing into their hulls. This does not mean that they are without danger, for Cepheus can control and change their temperaments at whim. Excepting the Endless Blue (for reasons unknown), Cepheus otherwise does not showcase much interest in celestial bodies or individuals and outright avoids Davy Jones's Locker

It is rumored that a psionic sub-society of Scylla and Charybdis exist; this group defected from the hivemind and display a significantly higher intelligence than their creator. (Perhaps, in constantly dividing and spreading its psyche so thin, Cepheus sacrifices a rather formidable cognizance?) That being said, there is no current current confirmation of this society by the Order.

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